Tuesday night, August 27, 2013 marks the start of the first ever presentation of The Amazing Race: SWTOR Edition. In case you are wondering what that is, read more here.
The first rule is simple! Show up in vent and be ready to go by 9 PM Eastern, Tuesday night. Emperor Pelpetine will give you the first set of clues. Then it’s off you go, using your brain cells and your brawn to prevail. Possibly other virtues will be useful as well.
This event will run over the next 5 Tuesday nights. The more Tuesdays you can make, the more points you will accumulate towards the grand prize of 1 million credits. If you must miss a Tuesday, don’t give up. You may still prevail. You never know. There might be one single vulnerability that can only be exploited by a single small ship. Wait… Naw, that could never happen.