Welcome to the AIEMounts Equestrian Club (now on TBC Classic Mankrik server)
In the spirit of community, we are announcing the continuation of our program to help AIE (in WOW Classic) members get their mounts as well as to allow all of us to help make that happen.
First, if you would like to contribute a donation to the fund (please take care of your own needs in game first), you can either direct message Lars Gagner in the AIE Discord to arrange a trade or send in-game mail to AIEMounts (US Mankrik server). All donations will be documented on a spreadsheet because well #SpreadSheetsRock
Second, if you would like to request a loan for some gold to help fund your mount please DM @Lars Gagner here in Discord with the request amount and which character so that we can help you out in order or requests/need. The idea is for you to pay that back as soon as you are able to have more funds for other AIE members to borrow later.
We hope to have enough funds for level 60 epic mount training loans and eventually flying mount training in the future.
Thanks to Bhock for the suggestion!
The Rules
- Up to 30 gold for your level 30 mount training.
- Send screenshot of your character soon after receiving your loan.
- Suggested payback in one month

Donations Status
So far we have a balance of just over 242 gold so can continue with the level 30 mount training loans.
Member Screenshots