New AIE Officer – Looci

The AIE officer team had a job opening, looking for some help with ESO, LotRO and SWTOR among other divisions and tasks. With that in mind we’ve asked Looci to take on some work across those areas and thankfully, she’s accepted. Looci has been helping behind the scenes with AIE events for a while now including co-running our last SWTOR MEGA and we hope to expand on that across our divisions. Please join me in welcoming our new AIE officer and thanking her for the help and support of our community!

For those of you not yet familiar with Looci, she lives outside of Denver, CO with her family, both human and four footed. She loves to read, is an amateur photographer, and enjoys life to its fullest. She spends her days keeping the world safe for democracy, or maybe safe from democracy, as she works for one of those U.S. three-letter-agencies. Looci first joined AIE in World of Warcraft, back around Panderia times. From there, she moved into SWTOR, ESO and a few other games we all play. She and her husband originally played SWTOR at launch on the European side, as they were stationed overseas so we are lucky they were able to move to Star Forge!

When asked what her favorite thing about AIE is, she said, “I love the community of AIE, and the family friendly environment the guild has.” So say we all.

Welcome and thank you, Looci!