On this episode of The AIE Podcast…
- Alludra: The Nomads wander into Diablo for season 4!
Tetsemi: Patch 6.2.2 is set drop on Sept 1st.
Mkallah: AIE PvP is set for Sept 5th
Alludra: Happy second anniversary of the Star Wars Escape Podcast!
Tetsemi: We have Beefmaster here to talk about all of the fun from The Summer of Love!
All that and more coming up right now…
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Mkallah: – Welcome to episode #239 of the the podcast celebrating the Alea Iacta Est gaming community, the die has ben podcast. This is Mkallah: To my literal right is Tetsemi: – (say something here). And my left over there cleaning up the mess, we have Alludra: (Hey AIE, I think you’re awesome ). This week we are joined by special guest Beefmaster who is here to give us a wrap-up of all the fun around the Summer of Love! Welcome!
Ok, we’ll be wrapping up the Summer Of Love shortly, but first, let’s cover this week’s news…
AIE News
Guildie of the Month- we know that AIE members are out there, every day, being ambassadors to our community! Make sure you take the time and recognize each other- Jehdai is always looking for Guildie of the month nominations- contact him on the forums via PM, or email GOTM@aie-guild.org.
Imperium Ludi/Nomads
With Season 4 of Diablo III starting, the Nomads are roaring back into the game. Please check the AIE Nomad Calendar of Events to see when they’ll be on and ready to level
Discussion thread is here
And don’t forget the Minecraft server and the Nomad’s Modpack which got mentioned on Curse gaming!
Hearthstone’s new expansion, The Grand Tournament is dropping tomorrow, August 24th, with tons of new cards. Join all your friends, while the meta is crazy, and explore the new expansion. Over 130 new cards will be available.
Sept 1st patch 6.2.2 (Flying in Draenor and PvP Mercenary Mode) is set to drop. There is also a new currency, called Timewalking Badges which you can use to buy gear at new vendors that will appear during Timewalking events. (New toys, mounts, and gear that scales up to the characters level at time of purchase).
Legendary Ring Quest Line
New weekly quests have been added to help players catch-up in earlier stages of the Legendary Ring Quest Line for Highmaul and Blackrock Foundry.
PTR Patch notes – http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/19820046/622-patch-notes-patch-arriving-september-1-8-19-2015
Forum user Blamrob has started a Warlords of Draenor Bucket List post in the forums. Join in and see what other folks are aiming for before Warlords is done (not soon enough …)
An AIE PvP Tournament is scheduled for Sept 5, 2015 @ 2200z (Eve Time). Solo and 3v3 PVP events are planned, rules and prize listings are coming, be sure to watch the post in the forums
It’s the 2 year anniversary of the Star Wars Escape Podcast, please drop some congratulations in the forums thread started by Arveshet. Happy 2 years SEPC!
Also, don’t forget the ongoing forum thread for the Podcast itself. Episode 104 just recorded last week and covers the Secrets of the Cartel Market
Tuesdays are Mandatory Fun Nights, join in the fun.
TSW Issue #12 is going to be dungeon focused, there will be changes to how Lairs work, and tokens will get consolidated.
Keep up to date with TSW on the forums, I mean seriously, who doesn’t want to see “Roaming bands of motorcycle bee gangs in Kaiden!”
The fine folks in our Final Fantasy guild are hard at work on the Henry and Steve Airships! As of August 14, Henry is at Max Level and brought back enough Empty Clusters to open up the schematic to make the Level 3 Aetherial Wheel Stand !!! At last report, they still need to collect the Deep-Red/Deep-Green Clusters that will be needed to make the inks to make the buff wheels + need him to bring more Empty Clusters to unlock the schematics for those. But, they are well on the way to start making/having level 3 FC buffs!! Congrats, guys, on the hard work. And thank you, Khaebil, for always keeping us posted on the forums and keeping the Google Doc updated with the current needs for the airships.
Pet battles are coming to Final Fantasy! Yeah, that’s right, some game found out what a huge fan I am of all the pet battles and put it in the game! Okay seriously, this was an april fools joke that the team decided to put into the game. And before you start worrying that it is going to be just like warcraft’s, well you are much mistaken! It’s more of a melee fight where all pets enter, one pet leaves. This was announced in the recent live letter and I have an official forum post to back this stuff up! eee!!
Star Trek Online is having a Duty Officer Appreciation Weekend
Starting now, they are running a special weekend event where you can earn Bonus Commendation XP by completing any Duty Officer assignments! This event will run until Monday, August 24th, 2015 at 10AM PDT.
Receive a FREE special Purple quality duty officer with a unique active roster power by speaking with your duty officer contact.
Duty officer packs(see post for specific ones) opened during the event will each have a FREE additional Green quality or better duty officer inside.
Just a quick work in progress snapshot of Ministirith provided by the Devs during their latest stream.
Take a look at the snapshot Yog provided, this place is HUGE!
And with that, let’s get back to Beefmaster and talk about all of the fun we had in The Summer of Love..
Recap of the Rememberance Day and Summer of Love
ponient words about Rememberance Day
the wedding begins about 10:00 in. thanks Tiaraleigh for the videos
Question of the Week
Question of the Week:
Answers to last weeks question –
Where do you get your AIE News/Updates? Website, podcast, twitter hashtag, forums, or other (explain please)?
Jon Gardiner @Lothmegal
@AIEPodcast I get my news from the podcast primarily and website second when I have some free time to actually read.
Tiber @Tiber_wow
@AIEPodcast The Podcast mostly. Sometimes the podcast alerts me to something that I look up in the forums for more depth.
Mementh @Mementh
@AIEPodcast podcasts and twitter ad raid chat
Jeff Namadan @jnamadan
@AIEPodcast Twitter & forums for daily fix. Podcast when it comes out. ~Kazrik
bacon_way @bacon_way
@AIEPodcast Twitter hashtag is the big one but do try to check forums occasionally. Been bad at that lately, tho.
bacon_way @bacon_way
@AIEPodcast And the podcast!
John Long @Arveshet
@AIEPodcast Forum junkie here. Occasional website & podcast if I want to learn more about a specific game. And Ms. Mulgra, she cracks me up.
Kav @samuraikav
@AIEPodcast Forums and podcast! (Hint, we need more content on the website!) =P
Beefy @Beefmaster
@aiepodcast I get my news from the Officer Constabulary forums
I read the forums and Twitter to supplement the podcast
New Question of the Week:
What is your new, favorite feature, in the upcoming FFXIV content update? We know what Alludra’s is…
And that’s our show for tonight. While the chatroom begins suggesting show titles, we want to thank Beefmaster for joining us.
@Beefmaster on Twitter
If you have a question or comment about our show, you can email us at podcast@aie-guild.org. You can also follow us on Twitter. The show is at @aiepodcast.. Alludra is at @alludra_aie, Mkallah is at @cyberwaif,and Tetsemi is at @ivorytiger. We record live with video every Sunday at 8pm Eastern/5pm Pacific. You can join the chatroom and play along with us on our website at TheAIEPodcast.com. Our theme was composed by the amazing Andrew Allen, follow him at @keyswithsoul! or visit his website keyswithsoul.com!
And now it’s time to play all of the great AIE member segment we received this week, including…
Ask Miss Mulgara
Overly Dramatic News
Mega Minute
Next week we’ll be talking to Abovan in Final Fantasy XIV. So until then, AIE…
-this is Alludra
– This is Tetsemi
– This is Mkallah
And this has been… The AIE Podcast.