On this episode of The AIE Podcast…
- Mkallah: Two guildies tie the knot
Tetsemi: Summer time is meetup time!
Alludra RIFT closes up shop
Mkallah: RP LFR for fun!
Tetsemi: Play with your friends in Final Fantasy Record Keeper!
All that and more coming up right now…
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Welcome to episode #234 of the the podcast celebrating the Alea Iacta Est gaming community, the die has ben podcast. This is Alludra: To my left is Mkallah: – (Hey, guys, I left 10 dozen chocolate chip cookies in the guild kitchen). And right over there cleaning up the mess, we have Tetsemi (Raid Math is hard ). This week we are joined by special guests RattoZatto who is here to talk to us about AIE in both The Secret World AND Star Trek Online, Welcome to the show, Ratto!!
Ok, we’ll be digging into The Secret World and Star Trek Online shortly, but first, let’s cover this week’s news…
AIE News
A HUGE congratulations to two amazing members of our guild- Mathanug and Najara. Yesterday, Math was lucky enough to marry Naj, a wonderful person that I call my Steampunk Sis! Best of luck to the two of you, as you level in life together.
Guildie of the month- This month we had a bit of a departure from our normal procedures. Our guildie of the month is officially non other than Syreyne, the official herder of cats and mistress of the Craft Faire. Sy, being the great person that she is, originally declined the honor, since the craft faire is a huge collaboration, but was sweetly informed by Jehdai that there is no back plan, and she is the guildie of the month. Read Jehdai’s interview with Syreyne on the guild website www.aie-giuld.org. And, to keep the “boss” happy, here is the list of the CO-guildies of the month, the craft faire crew: Nevermore, Ugnaught, Amijade, Liranei, Elcarth, Velazarius, Zaalginar, Sedaar, Tynchal, Prinadora, Anwyl, Maguswynds, Muagramar, Blessedchild, Alachaas, Saisri, Medicakes, Aerwen, Cocoamoo, Twikk, Tetsemi, Mkallah, Shojobeat, Allanya, Locke, Elhuntero, Vikkela, Mercyn, Sqweazle, Brithael, Lirianna, Grimcow, Chillreis, and Frodo.
And, Best of luck in recovery to Kerub. She went into the hospital on May 27th for a Spinal Fusion (owww). If you see her around, please give her very gentle hugs.
Summer time is here – time for meetups! RIght now, there have been a number of suggested meetups, including Utah, South Florida, and NYC. If you are in any of those areas, head over to Meetup.com/Alea-Iacta-Est and RSVP so you can help pick a date and get the party started!
And, don’t forget, the mother of all meetups, Nerdtacular, is coming! July 29th to August 1st is the annual celebration of all things Frogpants at Snowbird Resort in Utah. Come and hang out with tons of community members and revel in the wonder that is Frogpants.
In sad news, the AIE Rift guild is closing up shop next week. If you want anything from the guild bank, please grab it now or let our fine guild leader Aleriase know if you need help. Thank you to all of the RIFT officers and players over the past few years for all of the great memories and times.
Imperium Ludi-
Did you know there is a new mobile game sweeping AIE? Are you already a part of it? Darkanders- AKA Korran, has started a thread in the forums for those playing Final Fantasy Record Keeper to share Friend ID’s with all of your AIE buddies! Go check it out and…I donno debase me from notions that it’s just a fancy nerdy quickbooks!
Ironclawed, AIE’s own MIstress of Roleplay, recently ran a great event- RP LFR. The main goal was to fill an entire LFR with Roleplayers, since most groups look down at stopping the action of a quick LFR to let the Roleplayers have their fun. Thursday June 4th, a large group from Earthen Ring, including a large number of AIE members, ventured into Foundry for several hours. Keep an eye out in the RP section of the AIE: Azeroth forums for more information, or contact Iron on any of her many characters in game for more info.
Also, a huge round of applause to Just Blame the Healers- They downed both Heroic Blackhand and Mythic Kargath. Thank you, Wedneday, for the headsup on this little piece of news.
Do you play SWTOR? Do you want to have fun? Then make sure you are online for the Tuesday Mandatory Fun night. Every Tuesday, at 9pm Eastern, the SWTOR crew rides. Last week was Dread Fortress on Hard Mode, Imperial Side. Keep an eye on the forums or in game to see where next Tuesdays Mandatory Fun will happen.
SWTOR_ Escape Podcast- This week @AIESema, @MaxTheGrey and Astromech EPC-93 talk about real life costume crafting and the Rebel Legion with our guest and guild member, Ori. We also cover game news for the week from SWTOR in general and from our guild, Alea Iacta Est.
SWTOR Escape Pod Cast 93: Rebel Legion Interview!
And with that, let’s get back to RattoZatto and find out what’s going on in The Secret World ..
TSW: The finale to the Tokyo content has arrived! I’ll invoke Gilligan’s Rule on some spoilers, while keeping some things a surprise. “Mounts” are now in The Secret World, as is 2 more tiers of movement speed. A new dungeon was added, the Board Room of the Orochi Tower. There is now an achievement vendor. When you have a total achievement point score of a certain number or higher, you unlock items from a vendor that exists in all 3 faction cities.
STO: A new feature episode was added, this one is pretty much the season premier to Season 10: The Iconian War. Duncan McNeil, and Lisa LoCicero are the latest additions to the voice acting cast from the Voyager crew (Lieutenant Tom Paris and Chief Engineer Lieutenant B’Elanna Torres/Paris). In addition, Aron Eisenberg will be joining to reprise his character’s Federation famous role as Nog.
Question of the Week:
Who would you like to see on the podcast in an upcoming episode?
Mementh @Mementh
@AIEPodcast i want to see stigg turbo and others from nomads minecraft Server on to talk ..
New Question of the Week:
What is your current mobile game addiction?
And that’s our show for tonight. While the chatroom begins suggesting show titles, we want to thank Ratto for joining us for a double helping of fun! Ratto, where can our guests find you?
Follow me on Tweeter @RattoZatto.
Read insightful game and gaming related articles over at: http://www.acrosstheboardgames.net
Look for my ugly mug in your mailbox today, and you too can already be a winner!
If you have a question or comment about our show, you can email us at podcast@aie-guild.org. You can also follow us on Twitter. The show is at @aiepodcast.. Alludra is at @alludra_aie, Mkallah is at @cyberwaif,and Tetsemi is at @ivorytiger. We record live with video every Sunday at 8pm Eastern/5pm Pacific. You can join the chatroom and play along with us on our website at TheAIEPodcast.com. Our theme was composed by the amazing Andrew Allen, follow him at @keyswithsoul! or visit his website keyswithsoul.com!
And now it’s time to play all of the great AIE member segment we received this week, including…
Ask Ms Mulgra
Epic Diapers
and Ask a Magus
In two weeks, we’ll be talking to Jehdai about the Guldie of the month program, the Minecraft server, and anything else we come up with! So until then, AIE…
-this is Alludra
– This is Mkallah
– This is Tetsemi
And this has been… The AIE Podcast.
Don’t Forget: Get the show title before closing the broadcast!